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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chicago woman charged in fatal hit-and-run on West Side

Chicago woman has been charged in connection with a fatal hit-and-run accident early Sunday morning on Chicago's West Side as she drove home from a bridal shower.
Prosecutors said Ashley Johnson, 22, was driving her Chrysler coupe eastbound on
West Jackson Boulevard
about 3:30 a.m. when she struck David Bunch, 49, as he was crossing Jackson at
Homan Avenue
with a friend. The impact sent the victim flying 120 feet across the intersection.
Bunch, of the 3500 block of
West Douglas Boulevard
, was pronounced dead a short time later at Stroger Hospital.
Johnson continued east and parked the car in an alley near her home, where it was found by investigators a short time later with significant front-end damage, according to prosecutors. A little more than an hour after the crash, Johnson came into the Harrison District police headquarters and admitted she had struck Bunch, prosecutors said.
Johnson, who has no criminal history, submitted to a DUI test after she turned herself in, but the results were not yet available, prosecutors said in court.
Johnson, of the 3200 block of West Jackson Boulevard, was charged with leaving the scene of an accident involving personal injury or death, driving without a license and failure to use due care with a pedestrian.
Bond was set at $200,000 by Judge Jackie Portman

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