We believe in loving the sinner, but hate and speakout against their sinning, live a rightous and more abundant life. In a country where freedom is being diminished daily, this remains a free speech blog. Except no personal attacks/threats or gangbanger huffing and puffing.

We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Man with saggy pants booted from plane after dispute

A  man was kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight at O'Hare International Airport over the weekend after he became "verbally abusive" to flight attendants who asked him to to pull up his sagging pants.
The man and the woman he was traveling with Sunday morning became "verbally abusive," threatening physical harm to flight attendants who had asked him to pull up his pants, which were "excessively low," hanging below his buttocks. The man was boarding the Orlando-bound plane when flight attendants spoke to him.
When law enforcement arrived, the two Spirit customers gathered their things and deplaned.
The man and the woman who were escorted off the plane were booked on the next Spirit flight available for their destination.


Anonymous said...

Hell no, ban em from the airline for life.

Unknown said...

What a piece of shit. to bad they did not "DROP" them off at 3000'

Unknown said...

So sick of seeing worthless idiots.