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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lying, dying, racist mainstream media at its worst again


MSNBC Fixes False Report Which Made Zimmerman Look Racist, Doesn't Acknowledge Error

Following in line with their broadcast television colleagues who deliberately edited the audio of a 9-1-1 call of George Zimmerman, the Florida community watch volunteer who shot teenager Trayvon Martin, to falsely impute racist motives to him, MSNBC.com, in an unbylined piece did the exact same thing in text form, stripping out vital information which made Zimmerman appear to be racially motivated against Martin, who is black

After being criticized, MSNBC.com restored the proper context but never posted a retraction, correction notice, or an apology for doing so.

Originally, the story quoted from Zimmerman's call to 9-1-1 and edited the text to say the following:
"'This guy looks like he’s up to no good … he looks black,' Zimmerman told a police dispatcher from his car."

But here is what MSNBC/NBC News left out

ZIMMERMAN: This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining, and he's just walking around, looking about.
911 DISPATCHER: Okay, is this guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic?
ZIMMERMAN: He looks black.

Not only did Zimmerman not equate Martin's skin color with his looking suspicious; he didn't even initiate the comment. It was simply a response to the police dispatcher.

And this from ABC news-
A police surveillance video taken the night that Trayvon Martin was shot dead shows no blood or bruises on George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who says he shot Martin after he was punched in the nose, knocked down and had his head slammed into the ground.

But here's the truth-
Reporter Matt Gutman said the clearer video shows "what appear to be a pair of gashes or welts on George Zimmerman's head."

And this bullshit from Charles Blow of the Times, from Mar 25 (What a perfect name for a NYslimes retorter)
To believe Zimmerman’s [self-defense] scenario, you have to believe that Trayvon, an unarmed boy, a boy so thin that people called him Slimm, a boy whose mother said that he had not had a fight since he was a preschooler, chose that night and that man to attack. You have to believe that Trayvon chose to attack a man who outweighed him by 100 pounds

But here's the truth-
 the neighborhood watch coordinator, 5-foot-9 and 170 pounds, and the visitor, 6-foot-1 and 150, wrestling on the ground.

Let's not forget the racist media's editing of a black 4 year old's words to make him seem violent and intent on getting his hands on a gun
A Chicago television station is being blasted by civil rights leaders and news media professionals for airing edited video of a 4-year-old boy that took his statements out of context, violating the basics of journalism ethics.
The Maynard Institute published a story on July 21 detailing how Chicago CBS station WBBM ran a story about the June 29 shooting of two teenagers in the Park Manor neighborhood.
A freelance photographer interviewed the youngster about whether the shooting frightened him. The station aired the portion of the interview in which the boy responded by saying he was not afraid and wanted his own gun.
However, it failed to air the portion of the child’s quote in which he said he wanted a gun because he planned to be a police officer.


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