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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Daley taking advisory post with Chicago law firm (and says to Chicagoans as he laughs "Of course it's a pay off! Now pay up and shut up. Where's my taxpayer paid Police guards?"

Former Mayor Richard M. Daley is joining the Chicago-based law firm of Katten Muchin Rosenman, which played a major role in negotiating the city's oft-criticized parking meter lease deal.
Daley will be "of counsel" to the firm, an advisory position in which the firm can "draw on his vast knowledge, experience and relationships globally to contribute to the continued growth of the firm," it said in a news release.
He won't participate in any work involving the City of Chicago of any affiliated agencies, the firm added.
Financial terms were not revealed.
Daley said he had offers to join other prominent law firms but said he chose Katten Muchin because it was well-managed, innovative, practical and expanding.
"The firm also has a demonstrated commitment to giving back to the community, which is important to me," he said.
The firm was one of the law firms that negotiated the city’s much-criticized long-term lease of its parking meters. It was paid $663,000 for the work, while two other law firms made another $655,000.
Katten Muchin also worked on the city’s leases of the Chicago Skyway and parking garages, getting $160,000 in payments for those two deals. In the past 16 months, the city has paid the firm, which also does municipal bond work, about $406,000.
Daley also is a longtime friend of real estate attorney Terry Newman, a partner in the firm who also is chairman of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, a board he was appointed to by former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
Katten Muchin has more than 600 lawyers with offices in Chicago, New York, Los Angles, Washington D.C. and Charlotte, N.C. It also has an office in London and plans to open one in Shanghai later this year.
Last week, the University of Chicago gave Daley a five-year appointment as distinguished fellow.
Among his responsibilities, Daley will coordinate a guest lecture series for the Harris School of Public Policy Studies about major issues facing cities in the 21st Century

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