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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

CPS board rescinds 4% teacher raises

The Chicago Public Schools board voted unanimously today to rescind a 4 percent increase in teacher salaries in the Chicago Teachers Union's contract.

The district says it's now facing a $712 million deficit--$8 million less than initially projected but including $75 million in reductions announced earlier this month.
Before going into a short executive session to discuss the raises, board members questioned exactly what taking away the raises would mean for rank-and-file teachers.

District officials said an estimated three quarters of teachers still would receive an annual increase rewarding them for their years of service, and an additional 11 percent could receive a salary increase based on their education level.

The union has until Monday to decide whether to accept the withdrawal of the raises or ask for contract negotiations to reopen. That could lead to an uncertain summer as district and union officials end up in negotiations over other issues such as longer school days.

Board member Mahalia Hines, a former CPS principal and rapper Common's mom, had questioned whether the 4 percent increase in the contract hinges on a teacher's performance in the classroom.
Today's salary structure is not linked to performance," said Chief Human Capital Officer Alicia Winckler.

As the meeting began, Chicago Teachers Union president Karen Lewis welcomed the new board and encouraged them to "signal to the people of CPS that you respect their life's work."

"This city did not get into this financial mess by paying teachers and paraprofessionals," Lewis said.

The average teacher salary in Chicago today is about $69,000.

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