We believe in loving the sinner, but hate and speakout against their sinning, live a rightous and more abundant life. In a country where freedom is being diminished daily, this remains a free speech blog. Except no personal attacks/threats or gangbanger huffing and puffing.
We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Chicago Violence Scoreboard 10-2-2013
Thanku blog owner. U have the most accurate count compare to all the other sites trying to do the same thing.
But crime is down, but don't over there, look over here at this distracting baloon animal I'm twisting for your amusement,. And remember, if its not reported, it didn't happen, love rahmmie
Liberals , get the Black vote, Black panthers holding Base Ball bats at us at voting polls, Higher taxes get the Latino vote , get the Hispanic vote, Higher food Obama care no full time employment for millions , Invasion of millions of illegals , open border. HIGH DEPT, pot vote, gay vote, Abortion Vote, After Birth abortion for womans rights ...Socialist , communist S K I N , is more important than content...BLOOCKED OUR WW2 VETS today.. biden announces New World Order...collaspe of doler....unemployment at a 35 year high ,,,WHITE and BLACK GENOCIDE BY BLACKS. world war 3 is coming web: Russia, China, North Korea will attack USA...Russian troops here to disarm US...Foreign troops in US...RFID CHIP IN OBAMA CARE...its the mark of the beast...IS OBAMA THE ANTICHRIST JESUS SAID HIS NAME IN HEBREW!...Martial law is here...World war 3 is here..Fema death camps all UTUBE OBAMAS GUN GRAB...Hitler took guns and drove 16 million Jews to there deaths.. GET THE SKIN VOTE..LIBERALS THANKS ROMNEY IS OUR REAL PRESIDENT, WATCH HUNDREDS DIE. ( utube TOXIC CHEM TRAILS.....CHEM TRAILS TO DEPOPULATE AMERICIANS...90% OF THe PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WILL BE DEAD IN 5-10 YEARS..
Obama signs order to shut down internet...SO YOU CAN LOSE FREEDOM OF SPEECH ...you do not need to tell anyone whats going on...LEFT MEDIA BLACK OUT 666 AND FOX NEWS IS RACIST!!!! yea don't see the truth from all the whites and Minorities up there. No don't see What is happening to USA...
web: FAST ANd FURIOUS, Obama Eric Holder, Susan Rice all Black Muslims controlling USA liberals voted for sold guns to Drug Cartel Now over 86 ,000 dead Mexicans, FOX NEWS IS RACIST FOR TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU OBAMA... our border agents are getting shot and Killed by same guns RIP terry...web: Mexican Mafiah in US....Zetas cutting heads off. ( Why Obama wants illegals, Obama sold guns to drug Cartel 30 days after taking office, sad thing is this...Get the Black vote, get The Hispanic Vote...get the latino vote...you voted this thug back in..guess Mexicans don't matter mostly teenagers are dead...So Mexicans are in Genocide by Mexicans in Mexico...Obama hates Sean Hannity the Hispanic Latino on FOX, exposes Obama and his lies..But were headed off to war in Syria, so Russia, China, North Korea, Iran can attack us..web: PUTIN WARNS OBAMA utube..( North Korea heading to Syria. It's racist to tell the truth ain't it Obama , AKA Barry really not our Real president..
I'm going to go out on a limb and say of the 1952+ shootings that the scoreboard is reporting, less than 1% of those involved a legally registered gun.
The thugs are getting the guns when they ROB OUR HOMES , AND FROM ILLEGALS IDIOTS, liberals are destroying USA, and kill our black children...I wonder how man black men, actually killed there black sons. Most of you don't hang around after you get a girl pregnant. That's why you do not have sex with a liberal , or anyone until you get married.
Dems, are not getting my gun, Come and get it bitch. Learn to make bullets they are taking them too. And get BIG, BITING DOGS UP IN YOUR HOUSE. Rappers come in my house, your dead. Hoddie wearing thugs. Keep your white , Hispanic, Latino , Asian Christian kids off the street, and let these Dems kill each other off.
We got the fucking National Guard RUSSIAN HERE IN US TO DISARM AMERICANS see it on U tube...we got New World order. Hey you guys could NOT FIND a NON RACIST CHRISTIAN BLACK MAN, you had to hire a racist home grown terriost Communist from Kenya :~~~
SHIELS YOUNG on FOX NEWS A BLACK HERO KID, just saved 2 little kids, they always have black , latino , white, Mexicans, Asian HERO STORIES UP HERE. LOVE FOX NEWS, and God bless you all. Hope the black on black crime just stop , and you guys start loving each other. Pray for all who died love you all the White girl. Maybe you can all just can start hanging out with white kids like me , we get along at school.
Thanku blog owner. U have the most accurate count compare to all the other sites trying to do the same thing.
Thanku blog owner. U have the most accurate count compare to all the other sites trying to do the same thing.
But crime is down, but don't over there, look over here at this distracting baloon animal I'm twisting for your amusement,. And remember, if its not reported, it didn't happen, love rahmmie
I love the scoreboard!!
CA was 444 murders , in the URBAN CITIES stay off the streets.
Liberals , get the Black vote, Black panthers holding Base Ball bats at us at voting polls, Higher taxes get the Latino vote , get the Hispanic vote, Higher food Obama care no full time employment for millions , Invasion of millions of illegals , open border. HIGH DEPT, pot vote, gay vote, Abortion Vote, After Birth abortion for womans rights ...Socialist , communist S K I N , is more important than content...BLOOCKED OUR WW2 VETS today.. biden announces New World Order...collaspe of doler....unemployment at a 35 year high ,,,WHITE and BLACK GENOCIDE BY BLACKS. world war 3 is coming web: Russia, China, North Korea will attack USA...Russian troops here to disarm US...Foreign troops in US...RFID CHIP IN OBAMA CARE...its the mark of the beast...IS OBAMA THE ANTICHRIST JESUS SAID HIS NAME IN HEBREW!...Martial law is here...World war 3 is here..Fema death camps all UTUBE OBAMAS GUN GRAB...Hitler took guns and drove 16 million Jews to there deaths.. GET THE SKIN VOTE..LIBERALS THANKS ROMNEY IS OUR REAL PRESIDENT, WATCH HUNDREDS DIE. ( utube TOXIC CHEM TRAILS.....CHEM TRAILS TO DEPOPULATE AMERICIANS...90% OF THe PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WILL BE DEAD IN 5-10 YEARS..
Obama signs order to shut down internet...SO YOU CAN LOSE FREEDOM OF SPEECH ...you do not need to tell anyone whats going on...LEFT MEDIA BLACK OUT 666 AND FOX NEWS IS RACIST!!!! yea don't see the truth from all the whites and Minorities up there. No don't see What is happening to USA...
web: FAST ANd FURIOUS, Obama Eric Holder, Susan Rice all Black Muslims controlling USA liberals voted for sold guns to Drug Cartel Now over 86 ,000 dead Mexicans, FOX NEWS IS RACIST FOR TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU OBAMA... our border agents are getting shot and Killed by same guns RIP terry...web: Mexican Mafiah in US....Zetas cutting heads off. ( Why Obama wants illegals, Obama sold guns to drug Cartel 30 days after taking office, sad thing is this...Get the Black vote, get The Hispanic Vote...get the latino vote...you voted this thug back in..guess Mexicans don't matter mostly teenagers are dead...So Mexicans are in Genocide by Mexicans in Mexico...Obama hates Sean Hannity the Hispanic Latino on FOX, exposes Obama and his lies..But were headed off to war in Syria, so Russia, China, North Korea, Iran can attack us..web: PUTIN WARNS OBAMA utube..( North Korea heading to Syria. It's racist to tell the truth ain't it Obama , AKA Barry really not our Real president..
Howz the NO guns workin for you demecrats? Thugs are busy!
The dems just don't get it, and they never will.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say of the 1952+ shootings that the scoreboard is reporting, less than 1% of those involved a legally registered gun.
Looks like you re-pubs getting your bushes trimmed right now. Ha! Cant wait until elections begin
nope.this murder count is a lie cuz in the tribune,they confirmed 321 homicides bro
The thugs are getting the guns when they ROB OUR HOMES , AND FROM ILLEGALS IDIOTS, liberals are destroying USA, and kill our black children...I wonder how man black men, actually killed there black sons. Most of you don't hang around after you get a girl pregnant. That's why you do not have sex with a liberal , or anyone until you get married.
My family will not be taking your Obama care. No THANKS.
Dems, are not getting my gun, Come and get it bitch. Learn to make bullets they are taking them too. And get BIG, BITING DOGS UP IN YOUR HOUSE. Rappers come in my house, your dead. Hoddie wearing thugs. Keep your white , Hispanic, Latino , Asian Christian kids off the street, and let these Dems kill each other off.
OH SHIT, we got army men coming in to get us.
OH SHIT, we got army men coming in to get us.
We got the fucking National Guard RUSSIAN HERE IN US TO DISARM AMERICANS see it on U tube...we got New World order. Hey you guys could NOT FIND a NON RACIST CHRISTIAN BLACK MAN, you had to hire a racist home grown terriost Communist from Kenya :~~~
SHIELS YOUNG on FOX NEWS A BLACK HERO KID, just saved 2 little kids, they always have black , latino , white, Mexicans, Asian HERO STORIES UP HERE. LOVE FOX NEWS, and God bless you all. Hope the black on black crime just stop , and you guys start loving each other. Pray for all who died love you all the White girl. Maybe you can all just can start hanging out with white kids like me , we get along at school.
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