now this whole past week we've been focusing on Tremont in
and the george Zimmerman's trial and the media kept asking over and over again
what would have happened if Trayvon on was white
with the same thing would have happened well you know what then
the mainstream media failed to remind you that exact scenario
did actually happened a few years ago when a black neighborhood watchman shot
and unarmed way teen
it's the black george Zimmerman the media doesn't want you to know about
in April of 2009 mister roderick Scott awoke at 3 a.m. to the sound of three
young men breaking into cars on his street
he called the police and went down the street to make sure the young men didn't
flee before the police a ride
he shouted at them to freeze and told them the police were coming soon
but that's when 17-year-old Christopher Servheen rushed at mister Scott
uttering I'll get you are I'll get him s got fired twice
killing a teenager now the trial that followed was again a case of
prosecutorial overreach
as they tried to charge mister Scott with manslaughter
fortunately for him a jury of his peers agreed with him that he did
only what was needed to protect himself afterward the prosecutor applied
I just hope it's not a message to this community
that you have the right to shoot an unarmed 17-year-old kid
for breaking into a car the problem with that is that mister Scott
did not sure young Christopher Servheen for breaking into his car
but for attacking him now there was no white
up rohr about the killing a young white man by the hands of a black man with a
hero complex
al Sharpton and the NAACP and the department
the justice department didn't show up to a rally the trial was just treated as a
tragic situation
that a young man brought on himself by turning to violence
now the media picks and shoes is what stories are gonna make national
based on whatever the government's agenda is at the day
so george Zimmerman killing one boy was
huge we covered that for a year but it's not a big deal that
at least 400 people including a chief of police
have been killed by the guns that were supplied during fast and furious
What individuals have to overstand that this incident in this article has probably happened numerous times with different races of people across this country and the world, im sure if we dig deep enough we can come up with more examples. We as a nation of people also have to overstand that there are those in the media who have in the past dictated racially charged mahem by injecting overhyped racial overtones in a story. The media has learned that they can motivate the populace with this technique. We as the african american community have to stop being emotionally manipulated by the media for credits or viewership. THE MEDIA CAN BE EVERYONES WORST ENEMY.
The difference in the cases is obvious...there is a burglary in progress he wasnt just drinking tea and eatting skittles.
I am a uniformed security guard. We are instructed through policy to call the local law enforcement agency when we observe suspucious activity or a crime in progress and to maintain our distance from subjects. A citizen does not have the authority to arrest but can escalate a misdeamenor to a felony and even a death. I dont agree with people armed or unarmed making citizens arrest or approaching subjects in the process of a crime without law enforcement present. IF YOUR NOT IN HARMS WAY CALL THE POLICE..
O u mean about to get high off LEAN(rea and skittles)....punk ass kid GOT SMOKED thinking he was going to whoop on somebody and get away with it............BANG!!!!!!!
Calling the police is great but you disagree if somebody actually stands up and confronts somebody for suspicious activity....man plz....by the way was never proven in court if you watched TM came at GZ and got SMOKED!!!!!! Swiss cheese his ass!!!!!
So killing a young man you did see break in to your car is OK because you thought it was him?
And you shoot to kill? Not just call cops? Outside on the sidewalk not your home or even your car?
NO it is exactly the same case! This guy lied about the robberies so he could shoot a white kid who confronted him. An unarmed white kid
Self defense is any where it happens....shoot to kill?....firing one shot to stop harm to you is shooting to kill? Ooookkkkk
A bunch of damn old western cowbitches that have spent their rent money on a shinny new pistol and want to go out and play police over some piece of material shit they think is worth more than a human life. You assholes believe in using deadly force on a individual that hasn't displayed any weapon...OK you scary pussies lets just get to popping...Sorry ass zimmerslouch couldn't fight and was getting his ass whooped by a youngster. Trayvon brought his fist to a gun fight, had he been a real THUG zimmershits sentence would have been a SLUG......KEEP YOUR HEAT UP.
Blacks live by deadly force. Especially for desrapeckt
Just like mama say. They dint hafs to shot to kill just in da legs to slow em down.
If GZ had chosen that none if this bulshit woulda hapoened. Or TM would just got high and robbed people thats normal teen behavior
Everyone was a teenager once
You do stupid shit everyday like get high and steal and if neither of those teens had a gun
Why the fuck they had to use deadly force??
A grown man cant fight a teen???
our judicial system is a facking joke
Its a bunch of punk ass clowns out here that cant fight and think its ok to use deadly force when its not necessary. The minute a cop pops your loved one, who the cop thought had a weapon. Yall sorry ass get to sobbing and crying foul.....Someones going to fuck up and bring a gun to a bomb fight..keep thinking you are safe behind the trigger.
Lmao STFU sound like some little bitches....come to chicago where we fight and kill everyday....dont step to somebody if you not ready to deal with the consequences.....GZ NOT GUILTY!!! Next question??!!
You STFU and GFYS....Live by the sword... die by the sword...Chicago just full of mothafuckas that's ready to die......KILL YO SELF.....
You the same fool that be posting on every story, if ur such a big bad ass thug then why u always sitting around posting dumb shit on the computer? Get to banging bitch.
You my friend, are a very wise person.
Look..at the millions of dead or beaten , people blacks have killed, millions of Ghost running all over the place. I have seen blacks walk up to a person, and blow there FACE RIGHT OFF, for no reason. ps, I like how you racist blacks, say Z, was white. all right from now on Mexicians, every race is, black or white.
Anyone that thinks they can beat someone up , needs to be killed , It don't matter , what color of skin your in
BLACKS ARE KILLING US, car jacking us, beating us, stabbing us, raping us, gang raping us, shooting us, home invading us, killing us A L L ,,,EVERY RACE, get your guns ready. WAR IS HERE!
Not surprised , blacks at it again!
Obama sold guns to drug Cartel killed alot, of Mexicians, still the guns are killing people. ONLY BLACK PEOPLE MATTER!
To the first comment the MEDIA, exposed the hate blacks really have for Hispanics. and every race look at old comments of Zimmermin, on CNN Blog site, everyone of them, hate us, blacks you hate everyone!
When yall sorry asses wake up from your day dreaming. The real enemies to the general population in our communites are the media, hollywood, racial prejudices, the drug cartels and false religions. Lets all man-up and battle these entities instead of killing eachother over material items or creating or own little personal battle to fight. PEOPLE HAVE EVEN PERSONALIZED THEIR STRUGGLES LIKE COMPUTERS....
Lmao sounds like you just commented about yourself....^ bunch of phonies on here....cowards not talking bout shit!!
Fucking pootbutt, when you have been there and done that. You live and learn and count yourself blessed that you have lived through it. Keep trying to find out who YOU are. I will be eating steaks and picking meat out of my teeth 20 years from now when you are in administrative segragetion or with a face full of dirt.......
While all of us arguing and killing each other our government is on a 5 week break drinking margaritas in the beach jacking their shit all day
These youngsters out here are suffering from voluntary selective attention defecit disorder. You cant talk to them in person or through social media, to get them to see the light and when you do get a minute of their attention, they pick through it, to try and customize it to their liking. My brothers and I will not give up on the youth and if some of you elder know it alls want to see the light there's enough to go around......
My name was Antonio West. I was the 13-month old child who was shot in the face at point blank range by two black teens, who were attempting to rob my mother, who was also
I think my murder and my mommy’s wounding made the news for maybe a day, and then disappeared.
A Grand Jury of my mommy's peers from Brunswick, Georgia ruled the black teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty... too bad it was me who got the death sentence from my killers instead, because Mommy didn’t have the money they demanded..
See, my family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder wasn’t ruled a ‘hate crime’.
Oh, and President Obama didn’t take a single moment to acknowledge my murder. He couldn’t have any children who could possibly look like me - so why should he care?
I’m one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation's history, but the media didn’t
care to cover the story of my being killed in cold blood.
There isn’t a white equivalent of Al Sharpton, because if there was he would be branded a ‘racist’. So no one’s rushing to Brunswick, Georgia to demonstrate and demand ‘justice’
for me. There’s no ‘White Panther’ party, either, to put a bounty on the lives
of the two black teens who murdered me.
I have no voice, I have no representation, and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat
innocently in my stroller - I no longer have my life.
Isn’t this a great country?
So while you’re out seeking ‘justice for Trayvon’, please remember to seek ‘justice’ for me. Tell
your friends about me, tell your families, get tee-shirts with my face on them,
and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Trayvon.
I won’t hold my breath. I don’t have one anymore.
ANTONIO WEST you have a breath through the one who speaks for you. Men ears are deaf for you and trayvons injustices. GOD JUDGEMENT WILL SLEW ALL FOR INJUSTICES IN THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE
This is dumb, and only slightly relates.....breaking into cars is different then walking in the rain, 3am is not 9 pm......And these ppl were running at him, not from him......nice try but don't justify injustice.
Stfu like tm was so innocent....yeah until he sucker punched a man and started beating him....Tm learned real quik though......;)...o by the way.....NOT GUILTY!!!!
You and all the innocents shot by thugs trying to join or get respeckt.
Where are the marches for the 6 month old, the 6 year olds, the nine year olds, shot dead in the cross fire of fools full of shit and excuses
While you people talk about Martian, you do not know, your family, is getting MURDERED, by CHEM TRAILS, see web site, WORSHIP BLACK PEOPLE, WHO HATE ALL OF US>
Do something about those chem trails in your underware....lmao
To all Whitie, same thing happened to me, only i did not get shot, Blacks killed my parents, shot them at our home, They caught them running down the street, car would NOT START, The last time I saw them was in Coffens, They was sooo cold, I touched them, and my moms ear, did not move, and I listened to see if I could hear her heart, I thought they was lying to me. They was really hard, and it was scarry, , Then my grand mother died, and then i was a foster kid, My life is so hard, every day. And some days I hate blacks, I see how racist they really are, CLOSET RACIST,,, Some days I hate them, and I have to try, not to be racist like they are..TRY REALLY HARD, OR YOU ARE NO BETTER , THAN THEY ARE. I am very sorry , about you mother, and you dad, and your face, I am very sad for you. I know what your going threw. I hope you have a good, long life, I will think about you my whole life, GOD SPEED. LOVE YOU TOO.
Now I will wait for the eye tech, black lady to be racist, with me like usual, and cuss me out like usual, I DID TELL HER I HOPE SHE DIES, I FELL BAD ABOUT IT, And no I just cant spell but I am not on welfare, and work. ps, When you have kids, IT WILL GET WORSE, YOULL NEED YOUR PARENTS THE MOST, AND THEY WONT BE THERE, BLACKS DO NOT SEE WE HAVE FELLINGS, AND WHITES HAVE NO VALUE AT ALL IN THIS WORLD..NONE..STAY STRONG PICK YOUR SELF UP! FIGHT, THE PAIN..
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