Violence needs to cease period And the moderator is not the only person posting racist comments
We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Response to dumb ass comments and commentators
Violence needs to cease period And the moderator is not the only person posting racist comments
Anonymous said...
Crime is a problem all over the world.In every country and race.Ya people need to post on crime and with ideas to help combat and survived in this out of control city.That racist stuff been dead for years in Chicago.Just a couple of ignorant people on here.Spreading internet garbage.We need to stick together during these hard times.If your racist go to a racist web site not here where the true reason for this is to point out shootings and crime.
October 23, 2012 at 11:59 PM
- Diamond Deveroux said...
Racists has not been dead in chicago, one of the most segregated places in the nation.
Of course im going to comment on ignorant comments because these jerks posting are obviously looking for a response.
Responding to someone calling black people rats is sticking together during these hard times because I am a black woman and whats offending other black people offends me as well
You think I care that my name was put up
Im not so easily offended thats why I can respond to some of this filth.
Thats why I signed in with my gmail account love
Makes it more festive
October 24, 2012 at 8:02 AM
- Diamond Deveroux said...
Gramatical correction
Racism is not dead in chicago.... -
October 24, 2012 at 8:07 AM
Anonymous said...
Go fuck yourself you over dramatic hoe.Go get attention somewhere else.Blacks killing blacks and Hispanics killing Hispanics.In Chicago .It's not like in California where Hispanic gangs and black gangs are at constant war.All you do is sit behind a computer .If you don't understand people like you are what keeps racism alive.Last time I ever comment on your nonsense bs.I'm Hispanic and my group of friends gets along with blacks.But when it comes to the latinos across the park its kill on site.
October 24, 2012 at 10:46 AM
- Diamond Deveroux said...
Eat a dick dirt bag
Lol -
October 24, 2012 at 11:13 AM
- Diamond Deveroux said...
Your motherfucking puta sucia madre is a fucking hoe
October 24, 2012 at 11:15 AM
Anonymous said...
First of all people have a constitutional right to comment and voice opinions. The name calling is unnecessary and you did call her a hoe for no reason , be reminded you're behind a computer or on your smartphone as well. And what does you being hispanic and getting along with blacks have to do with anything, it sounded like she was talking about the people posting racist comments on this blog and I have read quite a few. Its not getting attention by responding to someones comments
You just dont like whats being said, thats why your attacking her
You all need to grow up and get a life
Stop hating -
October 24, 2012 at 11:26 AM
Anonymous said...
That's why your parents named you after the word riverbank so that makes into a river rat.Go eat some cheese.One day your LAKER and next day ortiz and now diamond riverbank.You big phony.You just out here posting out your ass comments.I agree everytime I see a comment by that ignorant tyrant Im off this site.Not like it use to be.Im white and hate blacks.Nothing will ever change that.Hispanics tolerable because they work hard to support there family's.Blacks kill and suck the system bone dry.If it wasn't for Obama being black and dumb.We wouldn't be so bad off.Crime is high in every city that there is high black population.Look what goes on in Africa.With that enough said.Blacks do more harm than good.They are there worst enemies.So don't get mad do something in your black community positive for a change black America.Instead of passing the blame.
October 24, 2012 at 1:20 PM
- laker said...
let it be known that Laker loves Diamond Deveroux!
I want to scream it from the rooftops, I want the world to know! -
October 24, 2012 at 2:41 PM
- Diamond Deveroux said...
I love you too Laker
Later for these suck heads
Some people take themselves way to seriously
And by the way anonymous pricks
Do you really think I would use my real name
You're sniffing too much paint lol
Its called a pseudonym or alias if you will.
You racists really are great lol
Im glad you know you're a racist and wear it proudly
Your a republican to boot lol
Im going to be extra attentive to you sweety
Come closer to me now... Embrace it dont fight
October 24, 2012 at 4:24 PM
Anonymous said...
Lawyers for five Indiana men charged in May with assaulting more than a dozen patrons in a Tinley Park restaurant say they are hoping to reach a plea deal with prosecutors.
Attorneys for the five men said this week they hope to have a deal in place with Cook County prosecutors in time for a Nov. 16 hearing, said Brian Barrido, lawyer for Dylan Sutherlin, who, like his four co-defendants, lives near Bloomington, Ind., and faces multiple felony counts, ranging from mob action to criminal damage to property.
All five have been in jail since the May 19 attack at the Ashford House restaurant, where allegedly they and more than a dozen other men stormed into the restaurant armed with batons and clubs and lashed out at a gathering of about a dozen people whom they believed were members of a white supremacist group that was having a meeting at the restaurant.
Security video from the restaurant shows 18 masked men descending on the group. The alleged victims deny being members of a racist group.
The five defendants have connections to the Hoosier Anti-Racist Movement, the Indiana chapter of a national anti-racist group. Prosecutors allege the men assaulted their targets and bystanders in the restaurant before fleeing.
An off-duty Tinley Park Police sergeant pulled over a car with Sutherlin, his brothers Cody and Dylan Sutherlin, Alex R. Stuck and John S. Tucker about four miles from the restaurant minutes after the melee ended.
The most serious of the 37 counts the men face, armed violence, carries a sentence of three to seven years, though the men could be eligible for probation, Barrido said.
Barrido described plea negotiations as “back and forth.”
“Sometimes I think it’s going to go to trial, sometimes I think there’s going to be a deal,” he said.
October 24, 2012 at 5:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Diamond DeverouxOctober 24, 2012 4:24 PM
Go hang yourself ...! World would be a better place. -
October 24, 2012 at 5:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Westminster Police made an arrest in connection with the Jessica Ridgeway case Wednesday morning.
Police say they arrested 17-year-old Austin Reed Sigg after a tip led them to his home Tuesday night. He is a student at Arapahoe Community College and had reportedly attended Standley Lake High School.
Various news outlets are reporting that Sigg's mother may have tipped off the police or that Sigg may have turned himself in, however police would not confirm those reports at the Wednesday press conference.
Police said in a statement:
Late Tuesday evening, police received a call that led them to a home near the Ketner Lake Open Space. With this discovery, police (announced) they made an arrest in the Ridgeway murder investigation. Additionally, authorities will file charges against the attacker in the May 28, 2012 attempted abduction at Ketner Lake.
Sigg is currently being held on two counts of first degree murder, one kidnapping charge and others in connection with the attempted abductions at Ketner Lake.
Story continues below the photo.
"I would like to thank the community for the thousands of tips they have given in this case," said Westminster Police Chief Lee Birk during a press conference at noon.
"We notified the Ridgeway family this morning about the arrest and we hope that it will give them some measure of closure," Chief Birk said, adding that he hoped it provided some comfort to the community, which has been on edge since the 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway disappeared on Oct. 5.
Jefferson County District Attorney Scott Storey said that the arrest affidavit has been sealed by a court order and that officials cannot talk in much detail about the case.
Sigg's first court appearance is scheduled for Thursday Oct. 25 in Jefferson County, and he's currently being held at the Mount View Juvenile Detention Center.
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper released the following statement later on Wednesday:
"Every parent in every Colorado community will rest a little easier tonight. While we still mourn the death of Jessica Ridgeway, we are relieved an arrest has been made and the pursuit of justice can continue. We are especially grateful today to law enforcement officers at all levels for their quick action in this case."
October 24, 2012 at 8:53 PM
Anonymous said...
October 24, 2012 at 8:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Crime happens in every color and race .
October 24, 2012 at 8:55 PM
- Diamond Deveroux said...
You first jerk
October 25, 2012 at 6:55 AM
Anonymous said...
I remember getting mad at all the racist,angry white people for their comments,until they revealed they don't even live in chicago..So this is their way of showing their ingnorance towards blacks,without the confrontation or getting their ass kicked..I bet their from a town were the police,the mayor,and the fireman is the same person..and they have sex with farm animals and watch kiddy porn..what are gonna do when your pink toe daughter goes into town and get pregnant by a black man? (cause you know white girls love BBC)..Now would'nt that be something to blog about uh whitey....AmeriKKKa's Nightmare
October 25, 2012 at 7:30 AM
Anonymous said...
An Oak Park man was charged with aggravated child pornography after more than 700 pornographic images were found on two computers in his home, according to police.
Joe V. Hymon, 44, was charged with aggravated child pornography and released on a $50,000 bond after an Oct. 17 search of his home in the 700 block of North Austin.
Oak Park and Chicago police found two computers that contained more than 700 pornographic images and videos of children, a release from Oak Park police said.
Hymon was not at the home during the search but was arrested when he arrived a short time later, the release said.
The Internet Crimes Against Children task force contacted Oak Park police on Oct. 12 about an IP address traced to a home that was downloading and uploading files containing pornographic images and videos of children, according to Oak Park police.
The task force is comprised of state and local law enforcement agencies that investigate and prosecute cyber enticement and child pornography cases, the release said.
Hymon is scheduled to appear back in court Friday in Maywood.
October 25, 2012 at 10:05 AM
Anonymous said...
This black rat liked kidding porn.So not just whites have theses lowlifes.
October 25, 2012 at 10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
We know your not black lol
Just a redneck who cant spell -
October 25, 2012 at 10:13 AM
Anonymous said...
WOW ! I just don't know what to say. If a blk man dates white, asian, meixican etc its ok. Same holds true for a white man or a mexican or a asian man; but, the second any one these men with the exception of a black man dates a black women they are now trash...less than a person. Its sad to hear adults spewing up such hatred and backwards mentality. Why don't we all just turn the clock back in time; where black women are slaves and the master of the house can f**k her with out the back-lash from his friends and family. After all he owns her. By the way....did not Thomas Jefferson proclaim his love for a black women...his slave no less and lived with her in sin...even though he had a wife and children. He proves the point does he not, love does not see color but it does see the person your in love with. -
October 25, 2012 at 10:16 AM
Anonymous said...
Most Black women marry highly educated white males like themselves. The reasons why Black women cross the color line is that most Black men simply don't measure up, don't know how to treat women, lack the finances and education to compete or take care of a family!
All of the IR BW who date white men eventually get married!
The BW who date BM rarely get married, BM live off them, BW are the bread winners, their normally given disease as well as their dealing with "other women" while their dating/married to a LOSER!
None of my GF dating/married to White males face these issues! They have "other problems" but not basic disrespect issue like you doled out to your White wife and your broke !
October 25, 2012 at 10:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Your own black women don't want you dead beats.
October 25, 2012 at 10:20 AM
Anonymous said...
White Dyck is better than Diseased high risk Black Dyck that's broke! lmao NO BLACK MEN!
October 25, 2012 at 10:21 AM
Anonymous said...
Once you've gone black, YOU AREN'T WANTED BACK!
October 25, 2012 at 10:26 AM
Anonymous said...
Look around you, you look like bunch of fools! lmao
Actually Black men are 2012 prostitutes!
Not only do they sell their ASSES to other men but Black males and White males in NYC, NJ, Chicago, Atlanta, DC and also sell themselves to Unwanted White women/other races for sex as well as a roof over their heads!
In most Black relationships, its always the woman that's the bread winner and the Black males are mostly LOSERS! They don't have much education or anything to offer a woman which is why many black men get angry; they have "No power" and have to settle for scraps!
Rather than get their lives together, men like you rather live off women and live marginal! Yet, you wonder why Black women who are educated don't want you and rightfully so; you don't bring much to the table. Since you don't pursue a better life; you hang with the boys, chase Ass, drink and watch sports while you try to find a Black woman or WW with a Good job to take care of you! -
October 25, 2012 at 10:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Many Black men in this position especially when he sees White males/Black men doing well get anger but in most cases it was your bad choices and chasing ASS that put you in your place that your in today!
Nobody wants a Marginal, Do Nothing, Don't care Black man! Like the books state; all you do is "Chase ASS" in your spare time, pass around dieases or get incarcerated because your angry, mad that women are doing better and you've done nothing with your lives so you have to hurt the women for being successful!
Sounds like maceo does because he's insecure, little, hasn't accomplish anything!
October 25, 2012 at 10:47 AM
Anonymous said...
LMFAO whiteboy when in on yous.Haha that black dude just went and shot himself in the head after all that.They own women dont want them.Black man needs a hug.But I know a crack rock would really make you feel better.
October 25, 2012 at 10:58 AM
Anonymous said...
What the hell are you talking about lol
Slaves and the master making biracial babies lol
They are cuter lol -
October 25, 2012 at 11:01 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow uncanny
I was just talking to a white crackhead
Uncanny I tell ya -
October 25, 2012 at 11:06 AM
Anonymous said...
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