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We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Man accused of hanging dog by tire from tree (Englewood not safe for man nor beast)

A South Side man has been charged with animal cruelty after he hanged a dog by its neck from a tree, nearly killing it.
Roxen Smith, 30, told police he was trying to prevent the dog from having "dementia".
Officers responded to Smith's home in the 7200 block of South Sangamon about 6 p.m. Tuesday after someone called police and said Smith was "watching a dog die by being hung from a tree,". While on way to the home, dispatchers told the officers the dog was "about to give up and die".
When the officers arrived, they saw Smith removing the dog from the tree, where it had been hanging by its neck with a bloody bicycle tire. The dog was alive but having a hard time breathing.
As officers placed the dog in the back of a squad car, Smith told them he was "working the dog out".
The dog, which had suffered scratches to its face and body, was handed over to the city's Animal Care and Control agency.

Smith was charged with misdemeanor cruelty to animals and also cited for failure to have the dog licensed

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