We believe in loving the sinner, but hate and speakout against their sinning, live a rightous and more abundant life. In a country where freedom is being diminished daily, this remains a free speech blog. Except no personal attacks/threats or gangbanger huffing and puffing.

We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation

Saturday, July 30, 2011

22 year old shot dead (Hey! That's my Beat! Chicago's crap strikes close to home, again.)

This slaying occurred about 2:40 a.m. this morning in the 3100 block of West 81st Street in the Wrightwood neighborhood on the Southwest Side.
A 22-year-old man, identified as Cory King of the 2800 block of West 82nd Street, was riding a bicycle on the street when a light-colored SUV drove past and someone inside the vehicle fired shots, hitting King in the back.
BEAT 835

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