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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Prosecutors: Children watched Illegal Alien slay 4 other Illegal Aliens

Two young children stood in a Southwest Side garage and watched as their father and three other men were executed last year by members of a crew that robbed and killed drug dealers, prosecutors said today.

Raul Segura-Rodriguez, 36, was charged with first-degree murder in the slayings of the four men in the 6100 block of South Kildare Avenue. He was already being held without bond in the slayings of two other men on the North Side on Feb. 26.
Prosecutors said Segura-Rodriguez and the crew’s alleged leader, Arturo Ibarra, arrived at the garage on Kildare about 9 a.m. last Sept. 2 carrying handguns, gloves and duct tape. They had set up a narcotics transaction but planned to rob and kill the men instead.

Ibarra and Segura-Rodriguez ordered the first three victims to the floor at gunpoint and bound their hands and feet with tape, Assistant State’s Attorney Jamie Santini said. When the fourth victim arrived a short time later with his children, ages 6 and 3, the killers also bound him and ordered him to the floor.

Ibarra and Segura-Rodriguez then robbed the victims and fatally shot each one in the head, according to Santini.

They were identified as Noel Cazares, 25; Luis Santillan and Roberto Rivera, both 30; and Alonso Pena-Villareal, 32.

“The 3- and 6-year-old children were present in the garage when their father and the other three victims were shot,” Santini said.

After Segura-Rodriguez and Ibarra fled, Santini said, “the children … walked to a nearby home where they alerted the wife of one of the other victims about the murders.”

Santini said Segura-Rodriguez has admitted his role in the crime and that “a witness in the garage” positively identified him as one of the shooters. He did not say if that witness was one of the children, but it was not alleged that anyone else was left alive.

Segura-Rodriguez, of the 3000 block of South Keeler Avenue, stood in court today dressed in a yellow Cook County Jail jumpsuit, listening to the allegations through a Spanish interpreter.

Police sources have said the crew may be linked to up to a dozen drug-related killings in Chicago.

On the day of the February slayings, Ibarra, Segura-Rodriguez and a third man, Augustin Toscano, were under surveillance when they were seen entering an apartment building in the 5800 block of North Winthrop Avenue. Police said the trio slit the throats of three men in the building, killing two of them.

While trying to escape, Ibarra, Segura-Rodriguez and Toscano were involved in a shooting with Chicago police about a block away, leaving one officer wounded in the leg, police said. The trio led police on a pursuit for about a mile before their vehicle crashed and Ibarra was shot and killed by officers.

Toscano faces first-degree murder charges in that case but has not been charged with the September 2010 quadruple homicide.

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