We believe in loving the sinner, but hate and speakout against their sinning, live a rightous and more abundant life. In a country where freedom is being diminished daily, this remains a free speech blog. Except no personal attacks/threats or gangbanger huffing and puffing.

We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation

Saturday, December 28, 2013

22-year-old man shot dead in Logan Square

At about 7 p.m. police found a 22-year-old man bleeding from gunshot wounds to his chest, abdomen and legs in an alley on the 2300 block of North Ridgeway Avenue. The Cook County medical examiner’s office identified the man as Alexander Rodriguez, of the 2200 block of Meade Avenue. He was pronounced dead at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center about 8:30 p.m.


Anonymous said...

Another dead Mexican

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People have no love in there heart.

Anonymous said...

Visit Chicago! Tell the guy on the street corner your Barack Obama's buddy and his mother is a HO!

Anonymous said...

Obamas wife is a dude/ man look it has a dick LOL , Is Obama gay 3 lovers murdered..Is Obama the Antichrist, utube, Jesus said his name in Hebrew...Armegetion is here...look at the black race Liberals rise up and kill and throw up there Democratic race card after killing your family. And were now a socialist Communist Black America

Anonymous said...

SEE BLACKS KILL A BLACK FOR REAL< NECKLACING this is what blacks do daily to Whites in Africa, and black kids sad, really sad.

Anonymous said...

He was Puerto Rican you racists idiots!! And no one deserves to be murder! I can't believe how ignorant and evil people are.

Anonymous said...

This was a imperial Gangster one lesssl Gumball....

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with a black person stop the hate.people are way to racist.

Anonymous said...

as a white God be with this family hope you catch the person who did this sad time for this world. Sorry for your loss, very sorry.

Anonymous said...

You Afr's kill so many Mexicans we just Don't care anymore.

Anonymous said...

African Americans kill us Mexican , Latino White Asians jews daily and Liberals control our News, all blog sites except this one CNN ESPN ABC CBS NSNBC FACE BOOK...when a Mexican named Zimmerman defended himself on CNN blog the blacks called us dirty Jew, White crackers see utube see what blacks really think of us Mexicans...Black race war with Mexicans, Black race war with Latino...Black Panthers have bounty on Zimmerman in 2 years 16,000 Mexican/ Latino have been beaten to death in black mobs, or into comas, or shoot, or killed and Democrats wont tell it on the news it's like we don't matter., and look at blacks calling us Spics

Anonymous said...

Look u dumb founded fucks he was not mexican or an IG. He was not a bad person i know he was expecting a baby soon. He didn't deserve to die like this cant believe how many ignorant people there is in this world. Know ur facts before talking shit.