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Monday, July 25, 2011

8 years for convicted drunk driver who killed motorcyclist

A former dentist with a history of drunken-driving convictions was sentenced to 8 years in prison today for veering his car into an opposing lane of traffic and killing a motorcyclist in 2008 on Chicago's Northwest Side.
Drew Forquer was convicted of reckless homicide and aggravated drunken driving last month following a bench trial in front of Judge Clayton Crane.
Prosecutors put on an expert witness who said that Forquer was legally drunk even though a Breathalyzer four hours after the crash showed his blood-alcohol content was 0.045 percent, below the legal limit of 0.08 percent. Crane rejected the expert testimony, but the judge ruled it was clear from the results of field-sobriety tests, eyewitness testimony and video of Forquer's wide turn that he was impaired.
Navy veteran Jeff Bondy was on his way to his job as an airfield supervisor at O'Hare International Airport when the crash occurred at Belmont and Opal avenues. He had just finished celebrating his twin children’s 10th birthdays, according to his wife.

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