We believe in loving the sinner, but hate and speakout against their sinning, live a rightous and more abundant life. In a country where freedom is being diminished daily, this remains a free speech blog. Except no personal attacks/threats or gangbanger huffing and puffing.
We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation
Video from inside Sandy Hook from day of shooting including rescue of students and staff
This is such a big lie , so the Dem -o- crap can take our guns so the gangster, and Islam Muslims. can kill every race.
Liberals , from our cold dead hands , you wont get our guns.
Yeah CON-servative swine. From your cold dead ass shall the vultures feed. :-(
Just like whitey, to use propaganda and imagery through the media and technological communications, to covertly wage a psychological offensive on its own race of people. SO! You know what category Africans fall into, on whitey's war objective list. WAKE UP! African King & Queens. BLACK POWER!
When Martial law comes , after they close down our banks , because your president keeps spending. I will not give my gun to cops to have Liberals Vultures Welfare, Thugs kill me.
Whites shoot up schools ,airports ,malls the unibomber was white and so was Timothy mcvay there crazy they eat people jeffery dumer
This is so true whites are evil bigots.
What school will a crazy white shoot up next.
Blacks kill more people in 1 day more than a whites does all year , that's the truth. How racist you guys are!! And your the number 1 killer in US. You shot up a mall, you bomb Churches, and RAM PLANES into buildings, and right now Africans are eating each other, in Africa, because you NECKLACED , all the white farmers see NECKLACING before it's news.com, watch them burn a black teen to death and beat him, this is really sick. You have Lyinched , millions of Mexicans, Latino.
Africans had MORE WHITE SLAVES IN AFRICA from 1530 to 1780 and killed 1 million whites each year, more than the Holocost...and then again for 200 years in America...and there was more black slaves owned by Africans, and more Africans owned by Mexicans. but can never tell the world the truth BLACKS ARE ISLAM MUSLIMS , one of the most hates on earth, They have blown up thousands of US troops, and killed them. Each year blacks and illegals kill more than Iraq War , we have 2 wars inside USA, over dope.
There are no such things as African KINGS or Queens The only King is the King of Jews Jesus Christ. And your not GODS, but want everyone to worship you . Your the number 1 killer in Every race, the number 1 Serial killer...The number 1 in all high crimes. See ( CRIMES IN CHICAGO 2011 2012 your on 2013, look mostly all black rapist, gang rapist, baby killers. you even murder black kids. your also very racist . NO YOUR THE ONES THAT IS REALLY CLOSET RACIST hope we have a civil war and us Mexicans, Latino will take your ass out , and I am sure White will help us.
No one likes mexicans
White people don't like mexicans and black people don't either.
That's a lie race batting Devil you blacks are puss from hell , I'm white and Married a Mexicans, I hire many Mexicans and millions of Mexicans are hired, and married to Mexicans, THEY ARE CIVILIZED , NOT LIKE YOU DIRTY RACIST RACE BATTING DEMOCRAT., Liberals are such good cons.
Hispanics , Don't listen to them.
The guy was a Latino and your racist fuckers say it was a white, the Boston Bomber was an illegal. You cant tell the truth. And a black man shoot up a Navy Port up here, assholes you are. Blame whites for everything don't you as you kill every race off , mother fuckers. Who are you going to kill this year? Every race Latino, Whites, Asians, Mexicans, Jews, are in a race war with your sorry ass. You shoot more people in one day than any race. Lying racist liberal.
Hey black people go kill yourselves no one believes a word you say.
Why would we kill ourselves when we can stand out in the sun all day buttnecked with our huge packages swinging in the breeze. With a beautiful African queen beside us. With that soft voice and mahogany skin glowing and glistening. BLACK POWER
Thw only race is the human race.
Keep your African queen. Why do you always try to rape white women? Because they're much better looking? Why is it as soon as a black man becomes rich they date white women? Kayne West? Tiger Woods? Aren't African queens good enough?
Fuck white hoes. Make love to African Queens
Alot of white men like black women
Kanye west in not black
What school will a crazy white shoot up next they shoot up malls movie theaters schools airports ect.
The movie Shooter was from Cuba. Racist blacks. blame whites also look at the white Serial killers 1/2 are not white...The top Serial killers are now black and illegals over dope.
Fact there, isn't a single black neighborhood , city, or country on this planet that is a decent place to live with any accomplishments, it's all about your black skin, your black dick, or your black cunt.
Hoax for gun grab, so blacks and illegals can murder you. In 50 black counties blacks are so racist, closet racist , not 1 Romney vote twice even after FAST AND FURIOUS, he sold guns to Drug Cartel , now 76,000 dead Mexicans, Liberals love killing and playing the race card AKIN IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CONTENT. Get the black vote, get the Hispanic vote, Get the Latino were all fucking into our color of skin.
Please donate any money you can to keep this web site up for us .
Don't you Mexicans Latino listen to what blacks say up here they are doing all they can to get you to hate and kill whites you dirty Racist SKIN VOTING Liberals.
Why is it always Mexicans and whites attacking blacks on this site or vice versa? Face it people. All you Chicagoans are just the worst kinds of people in the country whether you're black, white, Mexican, people, or green. You all need serious psychological help. You come on this site and behave worse than 1st graders with all this going back and forth and these ignorant comments. I really hope none of you are raising children only to fill their innocent minds with these ridiculous and heinous ideologies that have absolutely no merit. Grow the hell up people!
Blacks shoot up schools all the time here on he south and west sides
Blacks shoot the kids on there way to school in the safe passege to the nice white non racist dude you don't live here blacks kill you just walk up to you and your dead any one of us could die today or home invade you . You need to live here and see it.
Blacks stormed a mall and killed 543 people OHHH guess that don't count and Navy ship yard and black babies on there way to school racist trash The sandy Hock shooter is a Latino , but this was just a gun crab, from the democrats, They got 5, million to fake this. You've killed thousands of our solders. we hate you because you murdered our family , and friends. And you kill us or sue us if we hire you.
Bitch whites are just as rascist as any race if there was another civil war there wouldn't be any whites who.fought in that war left and u guys know that. White people kill just ass many people as any race does because the government keeps.it hush and who's our prisdent o yeah Obama he's black and blacks and Hispanics and Latinos are the most successful people in the world black pow BD BITCH I BRING THEM 30S OUT ON UR WHITE tRASH MOST WHIT PEOPLE ARE COOLTHO
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