We believe in loving the sinner, but hate and speakout against their sinning, live a rightous and more abundant life. In a country where freedom is being diminished daily, this remains a free speech blog. Except no personal attacks/threats or gangbanger huffing and puffing.
We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation
Sandy Hook Hoax Child Abuse Redact This
SCAM just for a gun grab , so democrats can walk up to you and blow your head off, or home invade you to make you helpless, and beat your brains in , then raise up there AFrcan race card dirty niggers will not kill one more of my family, You hate Mexicans/ Latino, and killed millions of us. Maybe we should have you for slaves again. Putos negros culteros. Yes you racist trash in 50 black counties not 1 Romney vote twice, after Obama, Susan Rice, HELL WHORE, running soon, Eric holder , sold guns to drug Cartel, now 76,000 dead Mexicans, mostly teens, and still killing. Your terrorist to Mexicans, Latino, your Democratic Party, Racist skin voting pigs, web site is : (FAST AND FURIOUS)!
Please donate any money you have to this web site, he has worked for years for us. God bless you all.
You blacks kill more people in 1 day more tan whites do. You illegals kill more people every 11 hours more than blacks do. top 2 killers in US are blacks and illegals, who kill more than Iraq War each year, You Africans kill more people in 1 week , more than the KKK did in 86 years now web site is: BLACK MURDERS
Wow signing isrealigt
A 5 mill pay off to get our Guns Thanks Barry from Kenya you blacks ain't killing us.
Thyre banning guns for the drug cartells fool. U just another white boy that don't care about others. Unlike u whites, I have a family to protect. Sincerely-a young black man making 80k a year
Blacks don't talk shit all day everyday like u lonely white boy
You making 80 K a year , cause a white cracker hired your sorry ass.
White House Responds to Claims about GATES MEMOIR...OHHHH ANOTHER DEMOCRAT L I E !!! OBAMA IS A CONMAN. RACIST WHITE HATTING PIG, AND SO ARE HIS BLACK VOTERS. In 50 counties, blacks are so racist , not 1 Romney vote..Did you not like Romney because , his mom is white , and his dad was a Mexican. SKIN IS MORE IMPORTANT TO BLACKS THAN CONTENT, RODNEY KING WOULD BE SICK IF HE SAW YOU KNOW. You Don't believe in his dream. We are all = We see your hate for whites and every race daily Please leave up Blacks, racist post to show how they really fell about us. Thanks for all the heard work you do, REST IN PEACE TO ALL THE DEAD YOU MURDERED BLACK PEOPLE.
The nigger who makes 80 K a year, you must rob allot of homes.
Over half of the country leans liberal. Like the old forest gump line. Stupid liberal, as stupid liberal does.
A 9 Half black community organized "hope and Change" pitchman was the MSM's wet dream. And they swooned for him twice.
Is Obama the Antichrist u tube , Jesus said his name in Hebrew...Jesus Christ face u tube, Jesus Christ DNA, why so racist Democrats?
And look at the race war, were all Americans, Democrats. we are =
I want to address my Hispanic family please I just wont shut up. Most whites do noy hate our Mexican family we just don't want illegals, big difference, some whites do, not Conservative Christians, Liberals are racist. To the Hispanic/ Mexican, hope your not illegal, hope you find a good job, and I will pray for you also, do not LISTEN TO BLACKS UP HERE or whites, Don't think most whites are racist, most of us go to work, school, or work, and Church. please don't listen to these creepy people that try to get you to hate anyone. And don't be a racist! You can't go to heaven if you are. Next these killers, Rapist, Child killers, people have a right to cuss, and be mad at the things they do, just because someone is saying something about a killer, does not mean , they think about every person in THAT RACE LIKE THAT. Bad people in every race, DON"T BE ONE OF THEM.
So liberals you racist bastards tryed to pass a law to get our guns and you lost, your not killing another one of my family black people, Mexicans, Latino, Asians, Jews, Whites, get guns and Don't let them kill you.
A jew is not a race you dumb motherfucker. STFU stupid bitch! You gonna need all the help you can get.
pooh wow so no one sees the big picture there is a plan for genocide for us ALLLL no race excluded the detected that america is over populated they have. a plan and ......believe me its working thanks to our stupidity and ignorance
The end of the dollar, Then riots, then war. then Martial law, Then Obama gets a third term, and the Muslim destroys USA from the inside, He already has the race war, don't take much to stir up blacks. against us all, and look how many Mexicans, Latino , you have killed . The End of America.
Russian troops in US to disarm Americans.
Chinese troops in US.
Chinese troops in Mexico
RFID MICRO CHIP IN OBAMA CARE, mark of the beast utube
Martial law is here
North Korea Threats US with nukes, or Russia, or China
Would war 3 is here
Fema death camps with gas chambers in them, and gas chambers in train cars, Jessie Ventura, Utube
Worst fight ever, girls stripped naked and knocked out u tube Niggers at it again.
Make Liberal Quarantine lines, put up fences in order to prevent further infestation of liberal ideas, and policies. please liberal thugs , stay in your resprective quarantines zones. Your schools suck, your criminals run the place, remember , you voted for this crap. Just sit your ass down and enjoy what you created and voted for. and get ready to be killed by liberals and bury your family's.
The blog dude bought a ten piece and smoked it up. He hasn't come down in days
Go play with yourself.
Wow. Just wow. Her fat old man, if he even is, is a total creep. What a disgusting piece of shit.
an blacks dont eat the people they kill,thats white people shit.
you mad cause he make more then you?hunkies kills me.
the hunkie that wrote this must be a trailer park meth head.
All you motherfuckers funny as hell to me with these grammer school comments you leaving on here. Black,Whites,Latinos,all you motherfuckers are dum as hell you all hate a person cause he's this race,or he's this color GROW THE FUCK UP ALL RACES this aint the 40s 50s 60s no more its 2014 about to be 15 in a min. All race get in bullshit an do crimes so no race is perfect.White people worrying about blacks ,latinos and you got these white man trying stop min.wages,and hike taxes higher then what they are,if become gov.of ill every race out here is fucked EVERY HARD WORKING PERSON NO MATTER WHAT RACE THEY ARE. O yea for all you white people like useing that word N.I.G.G.E.R. look the word up in the webester an fide out what that word really means,it aint for blacks,. All you motherfuckers N.I.G.G.E.R.S. if you ask me.
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