We believe in loving the sinner, but hate and speakout against their sinning, live a rightous and more abundant life. In a country where freedom is being diminished daily, this remains a free speech blog. Except no personal attacks/threats or gangbanger huffing and puffing.

We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation

Sunday, January 5, 2014

29-year-old man shot in Belmont Gardens

About 3:40 a.m. Saturday, a 29-year-old man drove himself to Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center with a gunshot wound to the right hip. The man told police he was in a vehicle, stopped in the 3200 block of North Milwaukee Avenue, when someone pulled alongside him in another vehicle, shouted gang slogans and shot him


Anonymous said...

Why can't USA , just arrest every gangster and there family and charge them as a home grown terrorist, that;s what they are. Save the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Blacks, and Hispanic dope war. Get them out of America.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a night late Dec ----ember back in """"63 (0h what a night eeeeee ight.....just having fun signing isrealight.....