We believe in loving the sinner, but hate and speakout against their sinning, live a rightous and more abundant life. In a country where freedom is being diminished daily, this remains a free speech blog. Except no personal attacks/threats or gangbanger huffing and puffing.

We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation

Monday, December 30, 2013

19 and 18 year old men shot in East Side

A shooting, on the 9800 block of South Avenue G around 12:21 p.m., left an 18-year-old man with a graze wound to the neck and a 19-year-old man injured. The two were in a vehicle when another vehicle pulled up and someone from inside began shooting.
The 19-year-old was injured when shrapnel from the shooting struck him in the arm pit, police said.
The men drove themselves to Advocate Trinity Hospital where their conditions had also stabilized


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I love you Web Master Happy New Years. And thankyou .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blacks shooting at each other again , get illegals out so they can get a job.

Anonymous said...

You Mexicans belong in Mexico, your stealing the black mans jobs. We went to DC last year to protest, were going back soon.

Anonymous said...

puto yall faken negros are lazzy thaz y can't git no job perro.

Anonymous said...

YES what the Mexican said , WE NEED MORE ZIMMERMANS.