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Friday, September 30, 2011

Moseley Braun campaign fails to document spending

The Chicago mayoral campaign of former U.S. Sen. Carole Moseley Braun has failed to document how $315,000 in campaign funds was spent.
The Illinois Board of Elections has been unsuccessful in getting either Braun or her now-defunct campaign to explain the spending, the Sun-Times is reporting.
In an April 15 filing, Braun reported raising $323,000 and spending $315,000, but didn't itemize expenditures over $150.
The penalties for running afoul of campaign laws include fines and a ban on seeking office.
Braun says campaign treasurer Billie Paige, a Springfield lobbyist, was responsible for filing the report.
Paige said she resigned from the campaign the day the disclosure form was filed. She said she notified Braun and others the report "would need to be amended to reflect all expenditures and debts."

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