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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Man charged in two North Side home invasions

A man has been charged with two home invasions on the North Side, including one where he allegedly beat a 65-year-old woman.
Jacob Reeves, 23, of the 3100 block of North Broadway is charged with home invasion, aggravated battery and residential burglary.
The latest incident occurred Sunday morning when Reeves broke into the home of the 65-year-old woman and repeatedly beat her while demanding money, police said. Reeves fled with the woman's identification and several credit cards.
The woman was taken to a hospital in fair condition.
The other incident occurred at about 6 a.m. on July 10. Reeves entered the home of a 28-year-old woman, who screamed and fought off Reeves before he fled with her laptop computer, identification and several credit cards.
Investigators with the Belmont District burglary team, along with Belmont Area detectives, arrested Reeves after the women provided a description and then identified Reeves.

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